Roberto Basili
Short Curriculum Vitae
- Laurea Degree in Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Roma, “La Sapienza“, January 1989
- PhD in Electrical, Automatic and Computer Science Engineering, University of Roma, Tor Vergata, January 1993
- Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Roma, Tor Vergata, from December 1994 to April 2003.
- Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering, University of Roma, Tor Vergata, May 2003.
Member of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (“Associazione Italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale“), AI*IA since 1990. For the Association, he has been editor of two special issues on NLP of the AI*IA journal, in 1995.
Member of ECONA Network (University Network for Research on Cognitive Processing in Artificial and Human Systems) (Centro Interuniversitario di ricerca sull’Elaborazione Cognitiva in Sistemi Naturali ed Artificiali) since 1996.
Program and Organising Committee
- Organizer of the SCIE’97 International Summer School on Information Extraction, Frascati (Italy), July, 1997.
- Program Committee member for the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) Workshop “TANLPS: Towards adaptive NLP-driven systems: linguistic information, learning methods and applications”, Chemnitz University, Germany, April 24, 1998.
- Program Committee member: “Adapting Lexical and Corpus Resources to Sublanguages and Applications”, Workshop at the LREC Conference, Granada (Spain), May, 1998.
- Program Committee member: “The Evaluation of Parsing Systems”, Workshop at the LREC Conference, Granada (Spain), May, 1998.
- Program Committee member: “Second International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Industrial Applications”, Universite’ de Moncton, New Brunswick (Canada), August 1998 .
- Organizer of the SCIE’99 Second International Summer School on Information Extraction, Frascati (Italy), July, 1999.
Faculty of Engineering (DISP@RTV)
(Univ. of Roma, Tor Vergata)- Distributed databases and Information Retrieval
(Laurea in Computer Engineering) since 2004 - Database Systems (Master in Computer Engineering)
- Fundamentals of Programming (Master in Computer Engineering)
Faculty of Humanities
(Univ. of Roma, Tor Vergata)- Fundamentals of Computer Science (until 2003)
- Models and Languages for Data and Knowledge Representation
(since 2003) - Trattamento Automatico delle Lingue
(Natural Language Processing) since 2004
PhD School in Computer Science (DISP@RTV)
(Univ. of Roma, Tor Vergata)Statistical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (since 2003)
Other Academic Activities
- Tutorial “Parsing Robusto: Approcci Statistici e Simbolici per il riconoscimento sintattico su larga scala, (Robust Parsing: Symbolic and Statistical Approaches for Large Scale Grammatical Recognition.”), Conferenza Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Intelligenza Artificiale, AI*IA, Bari, Settembre 2001, in cooperation with Fabio Massimo Zanzotto. (URL:\#tutorial)
- Tutorial “An Introduction to Information Extraction“, AI*IA 99 Conference, Bologna, Italy (September 1999), in collaboration with Fabio Ciravegna (University of Sheffield, UK).
- “Metre de Conference” at the Universitè of Paris VII on “Statistical Natural Language Processing” (February 1999)
- Invited Seminar on Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods for Natural Language. ESSLI School on Logic Language and Information, Prague 1996
On-Line Courses (DISP@RTV)
Database Systems (Master in Computer Engineering)
Invited Talks and Seminars
- Invited Speaker at the Semantic Web School, July 2005.
- Invited Speaker: Unsupervised Semantic Tagging using Wordnet and Syntactic Information, at the Workshop on “Lexico-Semantic Classification and Tagging”, Prague, Cszech Republic, December 2003.
- Invited Speaker on Learning Ontological Models from texts, presso l’ECAI 2002 Workshop on “Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Ontology Engineering”, Lyon, France, July 2002.
- Invited Speaker on Methods, representation and linguistic bias in Adaptive IE, presso il LREC 2002 Workshop on “Event Modelling for Multilingual Document Linking”, Las Palmas, Spain, June 2002.
- Distributed databases and Information Retrieval
Department of Computer Science, Systems and Production
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 ROMA (Italia)
Phone: +39 06 72597391 (office) • +39 06 72597332 (AI Lab)
Fax: +39 06 72597460